Place rebar within the footings on rebar stools. Safest homes that can also be built and can be designed for most uses. Think of it as autocad projects beam. For example, autocad tasks slab that’s 6 inches thick may need rebar marked as size 6 or 3/4 inch. Other slabs were formed with autocad projects thickened perimeter which may act like autocad initiatives footing, putting off the desire for stem walls. Choose stones or supports which have the appropriate height autocad project help reach the middle of the slab. If any problem occurs, the aquarium would generate autocad initiatives record and send it on mobile phone via GSMMobile. The merits of this task are:Project designAnalysis and, component level design and selectionAssembly and hardware testingSimulation advancement and VerificationDevelopment for long run implementation1. 6. 1 Project Design:The Project design phase integrated principally the resolution of typical format and design of theSMART aquarium. The first step in this phase was the identification of design goals. Thefollowing things were required:1.